So this is a game i made over 3 days.
Its a small fun little rougelite bullethell, i hope u enjoy it
The game features 10 random lvls and 2 boss fights after each lvl you get a new piece of eqiupment that CHANGES your appearance.
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Dude post this soundtrack on Spotify, it's really good!
Still a great game after 2 years :)
thank u
Great Game I love it
Glad u liked it
how do you use sword?
its a powerup it give penetrating bullets
Great game! The banana hat is an awesome feature. It's also really nice how you made a video explaining how you made the game.
thank u very much hope u enjoyed both
Made a video
Finished, [no damage] xD
damn thats crazy
awesome game i enjoyed the gameplay and rouglike mechanic. i would love to shot while holding down the mouse buttion instead of always clicking
im glad u liked and enjoyed it
very nice and fun. god job!
Thanks man glad u liked it
Nice job! Especially for 3 days!? Keep up the good work!
Thank and i will
Fun game, but i get stuck after the third level!
hmmm thats wierd
Very fun game
Thank u
Awesome game. Really enjoyed the music and visuals too.
That awesome :D
Nice visuals and sound effects. Only change I would have liked is to shoot without a mouse. Mouse to aim but alternate space or E to shoot.
Would like feedback on my submission: https://noahmastro.itch.io/valiant-evangeline
im gald u enjoyed the game :D
Cool game! Really nice visuals, and satisfying gameplay!
Thank u very much
Awesome game! I love the variety of upgrades, and how the tooltips tell you what they do! It was lots of fun to play!
Im glad u enjoyed it
Nice Game, but when i went to the first boss the boss spawned over me and instakilled me
ah shit thats sad
The art is really cute. It's neat that the eyeball enemies stop firing if you hit them. I liked it.
If there were some heart pickups (for restoration, not just the dragon wings) that'd be cool. Maybe different room layouts?
Im glad u liked it, yea some health pickup mabye should be good
I love the bounciness of every sprite; it makes the game feel super lively. :)
thank u very much
1) Just try
2) waste almost all hp
3) beat boss and bunch of levels w/o hits
4) just spawn in boss and die...
Did it go bad lol im not sure what the massage is
All is fun, but finally i been killed by boss spawn bug and my bad play at first level.
Sorry, my English slightly not ideal (=
haha its fine yea i have to run the second u spawn else u might get killed
a few little bugs but its really cool and fun! i will say that the text is a little hard too read when you get a piece of equipment on some of them XD
do u men the font is hard to read?
ye some of it. also on some levels you can go through walls and sometimes the enemies spawn with the boss on boss level lol. but for 3 days pretty gud
aah shit well thats intressting i hope u had fun tho
yes i did! now ima try speed run in it again. my top score is 6mins
do it
Very cool
Thank uuuuuu <3